Thursday, May 31, 2007
From London With Love
Whilst in London I hung out with my 87 year old Nana, making food, eating food, watching golf, being amazed by her apparent distaste for organic foods (she bought an organic broccoli once, it wasn't good), and giggling as she pushed her way to the front of the line because of her "stick" and generally hurtled around North London. I also visited my 92 year old grandfather at a nursing home which could have been better, but very easily could have been worse. It was interesting to see a home filled with old Jewish Brits and staffed by people from all around the world. It sort of made sense with what I saw around North London in general, some very British people walking alongside lots of Muslim women with their heads covered and people who seem to be from Africa, South Asia and other places that feel fairly un-British.
This isn't new, but it is always surprising to see how culturally diverse London is and how much I feel like I've crossed an ocean to get there. Since I started traveling there when I was 8 I have always felt like there is so much closer to the rest of the world than here. Even when my "here" meant NYC and not Vermillion, SD. It makes me wonder how the world is going to change/is changing all the time due to the movement of people. This is really not something new, but when Sioux Falls, SD has Iraqi refugees coming to live and small towns all over the midwest are filled with pockets of new and different communities, what is shifting in those places? Since London and Britain in general has always felt so much more stead and traditional than here it gives me another little window through which I can explore the world.
Luckily I was able to discuss and debate these thoughts with Adam, my American friend with the Cambridge-educated perspective. Note: Cambridge British and Jewish working-class British are not the same thing. All in all, good trip, but I am happy to sit still for a few weeks before I jet off again to a longer and more frightening adventure.
Friday, May 25, 2007
One Year Out
Graduation was a year ago this weekend, in honor of the momentous occasion I offer you some thoughts:
The oft-mentioned “real world” is a hoax. During the past year I have come into contact with many people who occupy this mystery place; people who have worked at my job longer then I have and have been thinking about their health insurance for years, but for the most part, we newly graduated masses continue to look at the world through our collegiate lens. University life is still our paradigm. When I’m hanging out with my older friends I often catch myself referencing college life and feeling silly, young, inexperienced, nostalgic? We recent graduates reminisce about our hours logged in the library and pine for the place we learned to call home while shyly examining the world around us. (Note: working at a University during your first post-graduation year may intensify feelings of confusion about where the University life ends and real life begins.)
Thursday, May 24, 2007
I am not a huge fan of these sorts of experiments, since they are definitely gimmick-y, but it can't hurt to try to make small changes in my own life without starting to compost my own poop. Although I can't wait to start composting my food wastes once I live somewhere that feels semi-permanent. I've been making an effort to eat more organic, more local and be more mindful in general of what I'm buying, but I haven't been as deliberate about it as I'd sometimes like. So, after a year in South Dakota where the diabetes rate is something like one out of every six people and a trip to the dr. who strongly suggested eliminating all high fructose corn syrup from the diet, I am going to see what I can do. I'm hoping that I feel some sort of difference, but in reality, it may be a bust. I'll keep you posted.
In other news, last night I had a dream that reminded me of when I was taking my anti-malaria medication. I am headed to London this weekend to see my grandparents for an amazingly short period of time (in reality) and dreamt that my flight went through Mongolia. This made sense. Once in Mongolia I realized that I could just hop on a later flight and called up my friend Leigh to hang out with her for a few hours. We hung out in her apartment and had a nice time until I panicked about getting back on the flight and we had to run through a field of dirt and yaks as the sky blackened because a dust storm was approaching. I made it back to my gate and immediately felt bad because my Nana was probably wondering where I was since I was hours later then expected without a phone call or explanation. Then I realized that I'd left my pounds and oyster card in Vermillion and felt like a schmuck.
I guess I'm anxious about traveling. Or just really itching to visit Mongolia?
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
On the Verge of Rain
I just found out through the grapevine that a certain friend of mine is just a few months from receiving security clearance from our illustrious government. This makes me think about things that I've received in my capacity as a federal employee. An unhealthy obsession with my cuticles. An intimate relationship with the internet. A developing allergy to the indoors (for realz, the eyes have been mad itchy). An aversion to conference calls. The company debit card, which I still need to keep receipts for to justify to accounting.
I hope it rains already.
Monday, May 21, 2007
The Great Outdoors
Inspired by our adventurous camping excursion, Nick and I did some more wandering on Sunday. A visit to the illustrious Spink Cafe, a very small town cafe where Jr., the owner, loves Elvis and fried food. Everyone knows each other and I was happy to be wearing my Centerville hat, since it seems to provide coverage from the sun and some SoDak street cred.
We took the backroads to Union County State Park. I always love passing this little bit of topographically interesting and very very green land while on the Interstate. Backroads are even more fun for exploring and made me realize for the millionth time how many layers there are to each place and how impossible it is to really explore a variety of places to their fullest. Just next to the interstate, the roads take you past farmhouses and fields and through tiny towns that may or may not still have any inhabitants. Southeast South Dakota always seems so much more beautiful on the little roads, almost shockingly so. Oh yeah, and Jewels liked it too.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Delicious Nettles
The Farmer's Market/Community Gardening opening was a success! The kids went crazy for Amy's Art Seeds creation. Oh kids, they're so cute until they don't stop talking and you want them to, or they get bossy, or demanding, or whiny. Anyway, they made cute things and played in the garden.
By the by, I spent two hours yesterday ripping a wire fence down off an old chicken coop. Take that NYTimes I think I'm so cool because I have a coop in my house. Whatevs.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
A Study of the Mundane
I pick up my bike and head over to Jones' Food Center to pick up free polenta from Jozef for tomorrow's big Farmer's Market/Community Garden opening.
Friday, May 11, 2007
interesting map
In other news, I've found the source of the cheesy smell in my portion of the office. Thy name is coagulated fair trade hot chocolate remains. Yum. My future looks messy.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
more pictures
This picture got passed around at my goodbye party at work yesterday. i may as well put the pedal to the metal and share it with the whole world.
Taken at Al's Oasis in South Dakota. If you have driven across the country, there is a very good chance that you ate a buffalo burger here. If you have lived in South Dakota it is almost guaranteed that you have eaten a buffalo burger there. And maybe you hung around the area after dark and maybe you went to a small town bar in Reliance, SD where you met an older man who likes to tell raunchy jokes such as:
older man who has spent all day working outside -- "How do you cut a fart in half?"
bemused girls from Vermillion non-verbally to each other -- "can we get out of here NOW?"
older man -- "wear a thong!"
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
picture city
Also, some people wonder what I learned from Warren Buffett at the Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting. I don't want to give out any hot stock tips here, so I'll just leave you with this.
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
it's May!
- how people in South Dakota lift a finger when they pass you on the road. I especially like it when older people do it from their pickups, but I do not like it when young whippersnappers ignore you because they are on their cell phones.
- being a cat person. I can really see myself getting into this.
- how food looks when it's arranged interestingly on a bbq.
- drinking chilled wine when it's warm out.
- using public spaces in a personal way, i.e. walking around a church in Omaha barefoot because I stayed there with a bunch of USD student volunteers this weekend.
- bloody marys at Happy Hour!