Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Jewish Favorites

Here are some choice selections from the "Jewish Favorites" section of the karaoke book at the Eagles:

Adon Olam (prayer)
Deyenu (also religious)
Dreydel, The
Hanukah Medley
Hatikva (the Israeli national anthem?)
Ose Shalom (more religiousness)

as Jane said "I guess this is the old edition, since they haven't included Throw the Jew Down the Well yet."

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Based on extensive feedback I will try not to do a rundown of my life to date, which would probably be more interesting than expected, but still less interesting than I hope. The one major thing that has happened recently is the big No on 6 win. Meaning South Dakotans can still have abortions! Twice a month! With a 24 hour waiting period and parental consent (if you're under 18)! Yay! and also, you know, not so yay, but better than nothing. It was exciting to see that South Dakotans aren't all totally convinced that the pre-born are being targeted and subjected to genocide- although way more people are convinced of that than I would have thought possible. Hopefully this win means that the SD legislature will not try to pass another ban with exceptions for rape and incest, but who knows.

I experienced a bizarre moment of NY/SD intersection when a theater group came to perform skits related to abortion. Some of them were moving, but the 3 actors & fiddle player sitting on chairs on a bare stage re-enacting bits from other peoples work re: having abortions, not wanting to have abortions, the struggle to have abortions seemed a little ridiculous. I felt like I should be in a loft in Brooklyn not a college campus in South Dakota. I understand that people wanted to do something good for the cause, but I'm not sure that a touring theater troupe was doing much more than preaching to the choir. Luckily it doesn't really matter now since the election was successful.

more to come, sooner then last time.