- checking out gawker, grist, gothamist, the nytimes, the argus leader, treehugger and the cornell daily sun
- moaning about students who don't listen and in general stink
- wrote a letter of support to a local organization for a grant they're writing
- emailed the future community gardeners of vermillion to set up a meeting
- realizing that what I am wearing looks insane and should not be allowed
-wrote email
-looked for errors in data I entered previously
-ate a cookie
- wrestled with the U.'s inane reimbursement policies
- Emailed former boss and remembered the good old days in a ramshackle building that has since been torn down for new development. Although this development (Calatrava transit hub) may possibly be cool.
- Approved students Action hours.
- Sent parents ideas about greening our apartment. I'm sure they were thrilled.
- Added items to my calendar on Outlook in an attempt at being organized.
-Reorganized the data-entry process for PVB info obtained through NYCServ.
-Prepared a cost-benefit analysis of switching all ticket-writing agents to handheld electronic devices.
-Felt myself up. I think I'll have a six-pack by the end of the summer.
I may have exaggerated a bit on a couple of them.
Obvi. Come on Jane, keep it real!
OK, then just re-list what I sent at 10. But keep the last one.
Not a single phone call or student this hour!
- emails to try and set up kids classes in the Community Garden this summer
- email to person thanking them for grant and making sure I don't have to do any more intensive "grant reporting"
- began to write press release about last week's event (whoops)
- ate lunch, tofu stir fry with veggies (consumed between 11:55am and 12:03pm because I am essentially 76 years old)
- read grist obsessively
- Finished looking for errors in my previously entered data. Didn't find the mistake.
- Worked on sheet tracking all changes in projections for my agency revenue sources.
- Daydreamed about ultimate and what I'll have for lunch.
- Peed twice.
- went home for lunch where I had a fun phone call with Elizabeth even though she refuses to realize that there is no such place as "Dakota"
o talked to Smita and somehow managed to branch out of our accent even though we started with it
- ate rice cakes at my desk
- corresponded irritatingly with students
- felt sleepy
- played with my hair
-I ate lunch (also tofu stir-fry) and stopped at Ralph's Discount City to pay my respects before it closes and search, to no avail, for cheap flip-flops.
-I checked my email. I found out the exciting news that
1) My friend Julia is moving to the Upper West Side!
2) I made the ultimate team that I tried out for last weekend (but shhhh, I'm not supposed to know yet)
3) UCB will be holding their funniest show ever this Wednedsay, Thursday, Friday and again next week.
-Work continues apace.
you two rock my world.
In my first hour of office hours, I have listened to that naughty Divinyls song and stared at the computer.
Re: 11am. Yes we were thrilled. Compost heaps usually are at the bottom of the garden, as far from the home as possible! A steel can in the apartment kitchen will be interesting!
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