last night i watched An Inconvenient Truth again. watching those glaciers melt and break apart is enough to freak anyone out. luckily, tomorrow is the
National Day of Climate Action and we are going to have a rocking festival-esque celebration in Prentis Park. we'll see if anyone shows up, and if they do, how many have driven from very small distances away. fridays make me pessimistic. you know how in college fridays are for lazing around the quad and pretending to do reading in the library, but always being home before 5pm, apparently that's not the way it works in life. they are the worst at work. quiet and lasting forEVER. this is what i look at:

luckily, i got to leave work early to attend a reading by Susan Power. she is one heck of a dynamo and really spruced up my friday afternoon. her short story collection, Roofwalkers, was something that i read a few months ago before going to the American Indian Center in Chicago and her writing greatly enhanced my understanding of that community. today she was mostly just really cool, although i'll admit that i was a little distracted because i was REALLY looking forward to this:

i will continue to work on picture uploading. and as i like to say-- formatting is not my forte.
Susan Power is super entertaining. She was here?? I didn't even know it:(
Did you know she went to law school?
Love the baby chick!
My favorite baby chick of all time (the exotic ones we got to keep and not butcher), I named him Josh.
K, Susan Power rocked my world--like in a sexual way--her reading was sooo good.
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