Sunday, January 14, 2007

internet works at home!

I left (a short trip to Chicago) and came back, again. It seems like I've been doing that a lot. Chicago is a great city, yet another place tempting me to move there. I didn't realize that Chicago had eco-city pride, but apparently it is making a name for itself as a green place. It seems like there are a lot of ideas there for green business incubators, etc. which is always interesting to learn about since I feel like there is a never ending supply of green things to learn about.

It turns out that I enjoy the power trip of being in charge of other people (I was leading 7 USD students and a faculty member through Chicago), but I think I have a lot to learn about how to get people to reach their potential. I can't really put myself in their position sometimes, like, why be on this trip? What are they looking for? I guess in that way I could do better, but I like that everyone listens when I talk and I get to design and implement something so clearly.

Tired now, and cold because it is SNOWING and sticking out there. I am going to enjoy my last day of no work for what will probably be a long time.

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